Repeat Prescriptions

To request a repeat prescription, please follow the guidelines below and choose the right optionfor you. Please note that we are unable to accept telephone requests for medication.

Please allow three clear working days for your repeat presciption to be processed. Remember to allow extra time for any bank holidays or postage requirements. 

Any prescription request received before 12 noon will be actioned on that day. If received after 12 noon then it will be actioned on the next working day.

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Use the NHS App

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice.

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

Download the NHS App

Image of the NHS App

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Order Online with Patient Access

You can order your repeat prescription online using Patient Access if you are registered for this service

Patient Access Logo

You can order your repeat prescription online using Patient Access.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using Patient Access which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice.

Order Online

Image of man accessing Patient Access

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Proxy Access

Some patients would like to give someone else access to their GP Online Services account in order to request their medication on their behalf. This is called Proxy Access.

Proxy Access

Some patients would like to give someone else access to their GP Online Services account in order to request their medication on their behalf. It may be a family member, a close friend or carer, who can use it to help them manage their healthcare with access to their clinical record. This is called Proxy Access. 

The proxy should have their own login credentials. This means that the proxy can be given different levels of access to the patient and their access can be switched off at the patient’s request or if the practice judges it to be in the patient’s best interest.  The patient must complete a form that gives consent to the proxy access, and we must see photo ID of the patient - not the proxy. 

There is information on the NHS website About the NHS App - NHS ( about how to use the NHS App and we will also be running workshops for patients to help them learn to use the NHS App and eConsult. 

Some patients may not be able to use the NHS App and may not have a family member or carer who can access the NHS App for them. We have considered those patients, and they will be offered an alternative.


Requesting a Non-Repeat Prescription

You may have previously been prescribed a short term medication that is not on your repeat medications list. 

If you feel that you require this medication again, please complete an online triage form where your request will be dealt with and you will be contacted.

Nominating a Pharmacy

Most prescriptions are now signed, sent and processed electronically. You will still order your repeat prescriptions in the same way as you do now, but your prescriptions will be sent electronically to the pharmacy or dispenser of your choice.

Find a pharmacy near you

You can change or cancel your choice of dispenser at any time. Simply speak to your GP or pharmacist before you order your next prescription.

You should allow time for the update to take place to avoid your next prescription being sent to the wrong place.


Our Dispensary

Patients who live more than 1.1 miles from a pharmacy are able to collect their medication from our Dispensary.

Collection is between 8.30am-12noon and 2pm-6pm only.

Medication Reviews

If you need a prescription often, we will need to review your medicine from time to time to make sure it’s still working well for you.

If you need any blood tests or health checks, we will ask you to set those up first. After that, we’ll book an appointment with a doctor or nurse for your yearly review. Sometimes, the clinician can do this review over the phone. This helps us manage appointments better and saves you from coming to the clinic more than needed, which saves your time and keeps you safe.

Repeat Dispensing

If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing from your pharmacist.  This means you won't have to visit the surgery every time you need more medicines. 

 Further Information

Prescribing of Over The Counter Medicines is Changing

Your GP, nurse or pharmacist will not generally give you a prescription for over the counter medicines for a range of minor health concerns.

Instead, over the counter medicines are available to buy in a pharmacy or supermarket in your local community.

Out of Hours Medication

If you have the prescription:

You can get the medication from any Pharmacy as long as they have it in stock. 

Click here to find a pharmacy near you or you can call NHS 111 and they can look up out of hours pharmacies for you

If you do not have the prescription:

You can get an emergency supply from a pharmacy. If you have an old prescription or the medicine’s packaging, please take it with you.

Walk in Centres:

You may be able to find a walk in centre near you.


If you need medication immediately, you can be assessed by the Pharmacist who can prescribe some medication but not all. If the Pharmacists is not satisfied with the answer to the question, your request can be declined. There will be a charge for this service. Here is a list of Local Out of Hours Chemists

Other Information